JLCPCB Boards( Review

Following my  such posts, jlcpcb reached out to me requesting a review of their service. Disclaimers up front: First, they provide me with  free pcbs, but i refused. Because I want to remain my own unvarnished opinion. In fact, the price touched me . The shipping just cost me $18.5 to America.
This is review is about only the PCB fab service, so point one is that they support both modes.
To the right is a comparison of three revisions of the same board. The green board on the right is the back and front of the board made by jlcpcb, with a PCB ruler showing centimeters besides that.
JLCPCB Quality 
The quality of the boards I received was very consistent. And quite good overall. There was the occasional light scratch, and a semi-consistent sort of wrinkle in the solder mask, but they are only evident under close inspection, never deep enough to cut through the solder mask. The silkscreen is bold and legible, even under a microscope it's consistent and solid. Compare especially the line around U4 to the rev B board in the middle, whose silkscreen is spotty and hard to read. Routing of the internal cutouts is also quite good (although I intentionally rounded as many corners as I could in this version, after experiencing this in rev B). The square corner cutouts around U3 show the worst, still minor, issue here: one corner has a bit of over-cutting.

Version JLCPCB'S



Cost was very good. I also got a stencil, which due to size/weight forced express shipping. for this 99x33mm board, cheapest options not including shipping:

Overall, I’m very pleased with what I received. These jlcpcb  boards are perfectly good, and also very inexpensive. They match or beat the quality of the previous revisions from other fabs, for similar or lower costs. I'm very happy with this service. That said, when I'm not getting the service for free I'll probably pay the premium to not get extra part numbers added to hardly-controllable usually-too-visible parts of my boards.



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