
10 good PCB Prototypes Companies

The list is about 10  fast PCB Prototypes  companies.The list is not completed, but I think all of them are good  fast PCB prototypes  companies. 1.JLCPCB Here I want to put  JLCPCB  on the first. It is the cheapest and  fast PCB prototype  manufacturer I have used in Asian. Because its price and service give me a very good impression: PCBs at a low cost with the highest quality. Just  $2  can get 10pcs 2 layer 100×100mm board. Hardly ever experience such a price. Electrical testing is good. This price and quality are excellent. Besides, JLCPCB also supports lot of service, for example, online Gerber Viewer. JLCPCB is the largest PCB prototype enterprise in China. They think of themselves as a quality board fabricator, not just a low-cost.  JLCPCB  is not only trying to be cheapest, but to offer the most value. It's definitely worth giving it ago. 2.Sierra Circuits Proto Express has a low-cost service; they inven...

Как выбрать хороший сервис прототипирования плат?

Многие инженеры, особенно начинающие, задаются вопросом: « Где я могу найти хороший сервис по изготовлению печатных плат ?» Или: «Как я могу уменьшить стоимость прототипирования печатных плат?» Но когда они находят фабричный сервис по изготовлению плат, они начинают задаваться вопросом урезания стоимости прототипирования в ущерб качеству. Как выбрать хороший сервис прототипирования плат? Прежде всего, вы должны быть в полной мере осведомлены о требованиях и бюджете вашего проекта; затем провести детальное исследование PCB  сервисов через интернет, журналы или выставки. Требуется много времени и сил, но это в конечном счете стоит того. При исследовании хорошего сервиса по изготовлению печатных плат убедитесь, что вы охватываете следующие аспекты: 1. Стандарты качества и сертификаты Почти все PCB -сервисы заявляют о предоставлении хорошей стоимости при высоком качестве, но не все предлагают то, что они заявляют. Хорошие производители печатных плат должны соответство...

How to Order From Cheapest PCB Fabricator - JLCPCB

Last month,I discovered a cheap pcb fabricator  - JLCPCB . What attracted me most was their $2 price.I decided to give it a try, because the website looked pretty neat and modern. They also provided a little bit better specs than the others. As buyers or PCB hobbyists, we are questioning why some PCB fabricators  enjoy a cheap price and whether they secretly sacrifice the quality to achieve the low cost. When I received the PCB from JLCPCB, I would like to say “|of course not”! Their PCBs have a high quality. Now i will give a short  tutorial about how to order your pcbs from Jlcpcb.com. 1,Visit JLCPCB website and have a register.  Direct your web browser to jlcpcb.com and you will see their page front: If you want to order from JLCPCB, you must register a account. Or you could use your google account or EasyEDA account. JLCPCB and EasyEDA are family companies. If you create your account, you can use it to log into any ...

JLCPCB Boards(jlcpcb.com) Review

Following my  such posts,   jlcpcb  reached out to me requesting a review of their service. Disclaimers up front: First, they provide me with  free pcbs, but i refused.  Because I want to remain my own unvarnished opinion. In fact, the price touched me . The shipping just cost me $18.5 to America. This is review is about only the PCB fab service, so point one is that they support both modes. To the right is a comparison of three revisions of the same board. The green board on the right is the back and front of the board made by jlcpcb, with a PCB ruler showing centimeters besides that. JLC PCB Quality  The quality of the boards I received was very consistent. And quite good overall. There was the occasional light scratch, and a semi-consistent sort of wrinkle in the solder mask, but they are only evident under close inspection, never deep enough to cut through the solder mask. The silkscreen is bold and legible,...